Cormar Carpets Joins The Carpet Foundation

Обновлено. 4.Января.2013

Cormar Carpets joins the Carpet Foundation

From the beginning of January Cormar Carpets will become members of the Carpet Foundation. This is a carpet trade organisation whose objectives are to promote and communicate the benefits of quality carpets and quality carpet retailers throughout the UK

It’s members are drawn from UK carpet manufacturers and retailers, who all sell under the CF quality mark and subscribe to the Office of Fair Trading Code of Practice. This Code of Practise underpins the Foundation providing confidence to people purchasing carpet from it’s members.


“We firmly believe that the Carpet Foundation benefits the UK carpet industry in many ways. It enables us to have an industry voice on key flooring matters such as the environment, safety and quality testing, as well as trading standards. In addition, the Foundation does a great job in promoting carpets in the media.” said David Cormack, Marketing Director at Cormar. ”However, key to our involvement, is the fact that the Carpet Foundation has more recently become a vehicle to promote Independent Flooring Retailers and Buying Groups in the UK. And as we are a 100% British carpet manufacturer, with the majority of our business with Independent Carpet Shops, it obviously makes sense for Cormar Carpets to endeavour to support them and joining the Foundation will only strengthen that bond.”


Another new carpet manufacturer joining the Foundation at the same time is Brockway Carpets, who are based in Kidderminster. Chairman of the Carpet Foundation, John Duncan, was understandably delighted at the news: “I am thrilled that Cormar and Brockway are joining. It is a real bonus for us and sends out a strong message to the industry at large. It is no secret that it has been a challenging period for us but we have remodelled ourselves and will emerge leaner, fitter and stronger and ideally positioned to build on the hard work of the previous 12 years. We have exciting and innovative plans in place for 2013 and this is the perfect way to start a new year.”



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Обновлено. 7.Февраля.2018

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