UK Carpet Manufacturer Cormar Carpets Remains Top of the Pile
Обновлено. 17.Июня.2015
Cormar Carpets cements its place at the top of the pile as it celebrates two further carpet industry accolades.
Recognising the company’s high quality carpets, service and staff investment, Cormar has been named Flooring One and Metro Group’s Supplier of the Year, for the 11th and 16th consecutive year respectively.
Said David Cormack, marketing director at Cormar Carpets: “It’s incredible to have won both awards so many times. The competition is strong but to continue to stay ahead of the game proves we are doing something right.
“In the last year we have grown our business with the Flooring One /AIS Buying Group members and the fact that the group has expanded its membership has undoubtedly helped the growth. Nevertheless the improvements they have seen from Cormar in service, product, technology and quality have all no doubt helped us win this award again.”
Cormar continues to produce all its wool carpets and polypropylene carpet ranges from its two production sites near Bury in Lancashire. It also has its own fleet of over 60 distribution vehicles to ensure a top class delivery service to customers, as well as its own team of 23 sales representatives throughout Britain and Ireland. Order your free carpet samples today to find your perfect new carpet.
Cormar’s Marketing Director, David Cormack. receiving the Flooring One, Supplier of the Year Award from Glenn Harding, Flooring One Controller.
Архив статей
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